What is SusChem?



Since its launch in 2004 SusChem has established chemistry and sustainability as central components of the European Union’s knowledge base.

Sustainable chemistry innovation contributes significantly to innovation, competitiveness, jobs and growth in Europe.

SusChem’s direct input to European Commission research and innovation programmes has inspired projects worth well over one billion Euros. These projects include flagships like the F3 Factory and other EU-financed research and innovation projects such as BIO-TICR4RE4Water and CRM_InnoNet. They have delivered policies and innovation roadmaps that have inspired further research and innovation activities addressing a range of societal challenges.

SusChem has played a significant role in developing, implementing and coordinating the activities of two Public-Private Research and Innovation Partnerships: the Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) and the Biobased Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU)

SusChem has made a significant contribution to EU policy development, including but not limited to: the Key Enabling Technologies initiative and important European Innovation Partnerships such as Critical Raw Materials, Water, Smart-Cities and Communities.

SusChem not only inspires new research and innovation projects but also brings academia and industry together. It engages industry in European research projects and makes the case for European collaboration.

In addition to its work at European level, SusChem has established a network of national technology platforms that ensure that sustainable chemistry concepts also play an appropriate role in national research and innovation agendas. 

EU Transparency Register n° 203667349492-52