SusChem Austria aims to strengthen the interaction of key stakeholders at national level to address Europe’s, and especially Austria’s, societal challenges with chemical and biotechnological innovation.
Continuously, and supported by an annual meeting with the BioNanoNet members, the NTP exchanges information both top-down (from the ETP SusChem towards the national community) and bottom-up to facilitate networking, build project teams and to enhance participation in EU funding programmes.

SusChem Austria endorses the main SusChem ETP objective to revitalise and inspire European and national chemical industry research, development and innovation in a sustainable way, through all the stages of the value chain.
Contact Information

Andreas Falk
SusChem Austria chair
National level objectives
The mission of SusChem Austria is to:
- Promote the SusChem vision and main priorities at both EU and National level
- Help to connect SusChem thinking with national and regional programmes, to facilitate transnational collaboration
- Advise SusChem at European level on collective national priorities that need to be considered in European initiatives
- Bring together industry, academia and research centres to work on the identification and coordination of EU and National strategies to represent the interests of the Chemical sector before National Governments and the European Commission
- Bring together industry, academia, civil society and national governments by expanding the network to address societal challenges and improve industry competitiveness
- Join efforts to achieve a more sustainable chemical sector in Europe and therefore contribute to the objective of creating jobs and growth
- Provide information on funding and advice to its members and to facilitate networking to enhance participation, especially of SMEs, in EU funded programmes
- Exchange information within the SusChem network, other Member States and the European Commission and any other organisation relevant to SusChem activities.
- Collaborate and align with the other SusChem National Technology Platforms