SusChem National Technology Platforms (NTPs) help to connect SusChem thinking with national and regional programmes.
It also facilitates transnational collaboration and advise SusChem at the European level on collective national priorities that need to be considered in European initiatives.

SusChem NTPs are key to the involvement of national stakeholders including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large companies and academic groups, in European initiatives. The SusChem network, formed by the European and the National Technology Platforms, aims to capitalise on the synergies of its members to reach a critical mass that can achieve its goals at European and National level, while avoiding duplication of effort.
18 National Technology Platforms
SusChem AT
SusChem AT
SusChem BE
SusChem BE
SusChem BG
SusChem BG
SusChem CH
SusChem CH
SusChem CZ
SusChem CZ
SusChem DE
SusChem DE
SusChem ES
SusChem ES
SusChem FI
SusChem FI
SusChem FR
SusChem FR
SusChem GR
SusChem GR
SusChem IT
SusChem IT
SusChem NL
SusChem NL
SusChem PL
SusChem PL
SusChem PT
SusChem PT
SusChem RO
SusChem RO
SusChem SE
SusChem SE
SusChem SI
SusChem SI
SusChem UK
SusChem UK
The EU Member States each have different research and innovation capacities and face different challenges: developing National Technology Platforms (NTPs) allows SusChem’s national partners to identify their specific research policies and implementation plans for innovative solutions in Sustainable chemistry. The main European platform can then coordinate the national platforms network and promote the exchange of best practice and ideas.
The common objectives and mutual benefits of ETP SusChem and SusChem NTPs include:
- Working under the common label of “sustainable chemistry”
- Bringing together industry, academia, civil society and national governments to address European societal challenges and improve industrial competitiveness
- Contributing to develop a EU-wide common strategy to support the position of the Chemical sector with the European Commission and other European Institutions (“bottom-up” approach)
- Aligning priorities of the ETP and of the NTPs in order to gain broader support (a complementary “top-down” activity)
- Promoting SusChem’s vision and main priorities at both EU and National level (complementary perspective)
- Facilitating transnational collaboration within research and innovation projects and the international transmission of skills
- Facilitating networking, cluster creation, project teams, etc. to enhance participation in EU funding programmes, especially for SMEs.