What is SusChem?

SusChem NL

The Dutch Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem NL) aims to inspire a more intense European collaboration in the field of Sustainable Chemistry.

The Netherlands has a vision for 2050 that it will be the country of green and sustainable chemistry; in the top-three producers of smart materials with high added value and smart solutions; and provide high-quality frontier-expanding academic research. This will be achieved by intense European collaboration between private companies, research institutes and governmental agencies.

The platform’s activities in The Netherlands are organized through the Topsector Chemistry with the research and innovation strategy determined by its program councils, while tactical issues are handled by a core stakeholder team. The activities are organised in conjunction with the TKI Chemistry bureau.

National level objectives

The main NTP objectives are focused on:

Contact Information

Frank Groenen

International Affairs ChemistryNL

Esther van den Beuken

Principal Consultant Circular Plastics TNO