
Calling for Action: Supporting the Transition Pathway for the Chemical Industry


In January 2023, the European Commission unveiled the Transition Pathway for the Chemical Industry, a comprehensive guide outlining 190 actions for the green and digital transition, enhancing the resilience of the EU Chemical Industry.

Now, the European Commission is inviting stakeholders, ranging from industry and NGOs to SMEs and national authorities, to submit their innovative transition initiatives and share their feedback. These actions, whether new or ongoing, showcase how organizations champion the green and digital transition in the chemical industry.

Transition initiatives are concrete actions with clear objectives, milestones, and targets, contributing to the industry’s green and digital transition and increased resilience. They are not legally binding but serve as a powerful tool for co-implementation.

Who Can Contribute?

From SMEs to larger companies, trade associations, civil interest groups, and more. Stakeholders should share the specifics of their transition initiatives—objectives, milestones, targets, and collaborations.

Learn about this initiative and how to submit at Transition pathway – European Commission (europa.eu)