What is SusChem?

SusChem SE

SusChem Sweden aims to contribute to the development of sustainable and innovative materials and chemicals by strengthening the cooperation between society, academia and the chemical industry in Sweden and Europe.

SusChem Sweden creates an open platform for stakeholders to meet, exchange information and create projects to enhance investment in research and development as well as boosting participation in EU funding programmes.

SusChem Sweden was initiated in 2018 by two founding members: IKEM (Innovation and Chemical Industries) and IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute).

Contact Information

Lena Svendsen: lena.svendsen@ikem.se
Helena Norin: Helena.Norin@ivl.se

National level objectives

The mission of SusChem Sweden is to:

  • Actively contribute to the SusChem vision and main priorities
  • Contribute to the development of sustainable materials and chemicals
  • Enhance cooperation between society, academic institutes, and the European and Swedish chemical industry
  • Increase investment in Swedish research and development of sustainable materials and chemicals
  • Increase success for Swedish projects and consortia within EU funded programmes

17 National Technology Platforms