

The chemical industry is at the heart of efficient processes and transformation of raw materials into value-added products. In a carbon-constrained future the need for highly sustainable processes will become even more crucial.

Innovations from the European chemical sector will play a vital role in increasing the energy and resource efficiency of a wide range of processes, while reducing environmental impact and maintaining or improving competitiveness. The aim of the sector has always been to “do more with less.”

Sustainability is essential to the whole process and to the product life-cycle, in particular in the context of a circular economy. We need to maximise the use of all resources entering the production process, including primary and secondary raw materials, water, and energy. This includes using more of new renewable, often biobased, raw materials.

An integrated approach to process innovation is required, including the systematic integration of best practice technologies into existing plants. The process technologies being developed by the chemical industry will improve both the sustainability and the competitiveness of a wide range of other sectors.

Process is also highly connected to advances that are described in the Digital technologies section of the SusChem website.

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