
SusChem was created with a mission to revitalise and inspire European chemistry and industrial biotechnology research, development and innovation in a sustainable way to respond to pressing societal challenges.


The chemical sector’s key enabling technologies provide the critical building blocks for solutions needed to achieve a sustainable, low-carbon, and circular economy. These technologies impact all value chains, such as energy, construction, mobility, electronics, and more. They can be categorised into three interconnected areas: Advanced Materials, Digital, and Process.

Advanced materials
Materials for Energy Production and Storage

Materials for Energy Production and Storage

Sustainable chemistry research and innovation actions will strengthen the position of Europe in low carbon energy production and storage…

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Materials for Transport

Materials for Transport

Sustainable chemistry provides components for safer and less polluting modes of transport, making mobility systems more sustainable. In order…

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Materials for Health and Well-being

Materials for Health and Well-being

Because good healthcare is essential to a sustainable society, the chemical industry continues to develop pharmaceutical and other innovative…

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Materials for Consumer goods

Materials for Consumer goods

Increasing the sustainability of consumer goods requires developments in materials that support recycling and reuse but also the reduction…

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Materials for Energy Efficiency

Materials for Energy Efficiency

Sustainable chemistry is essential to improving energy efficiency in all types of buildings, from construction to renovation projects. Integrated…

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To be sustainable the European chemical industry must reduce its dependence on, largely imported, petroleum and gas feedstock and…

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Catalysis is, perhaps, the single most important and pervasive interdisciplinary technology in the chemical industry, and certainly one of…

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Process Control

Process Control

Process control and supervision of operations, from regulatory control to manufacturing planning and optimisation, can improve standards and optimise…

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Process Intensification

Process Intensification

Process intensification applies innovative design principles to boost process and value chain efficiency, reduce waste and costs, while improving…

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Downstream Processing

Downstream Processing

Sustainable processes must increasingly embrace renewable, often biobased, feedstock, which creates new challenges for downstream-processing. One such challenge is…

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Cognitive and Connected Plants

Cognitive and Connected Plants

Advanced process control using intelligent self-learning systems to optimise process conditions is key to sustainable chemical production. The future…

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Big Data

Big Data

The chemical industry of the future will be awash with data, from process sensor inputs to product and raw…

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Digital Platforms

Digital Platforms

Early adopters successfully mastered digital platforms. Today, all companies in the chemical sector can act as digital platforms and…

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Digital Skills

Digital Skills

New digital technologies require new flexible skills and an educated workforce able to quickly learn and respond to change….

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