Fresh water is a scarce resource and a critical element for sustainable economic development.
Water is used in vast quantities by the chemical industry for many purposes. The industry aims to achieve near zero discharge of waste water by using closed loop systems and advanced water management solutions.

The Chemical Industry is also an important supplier of innovative products, technologies and services that can enable more sustainable water management for society as a whole.
SusChem has taken an active part in the European Innovation Partnership Water (Water EIP) and European Commission Research programme calls on water including the flagship E4Water project. The SusChem working group in this priority area has defined specific topics to pursue with the overall aim of decoupling growth in economic activity from actual water use.
These priorities include new sources of water, from desalination, re-use, rainwater and condensation, treatment and recovery technologies. Other solutions pertain to new water Distribution Systems or to low energy waste water treatment, recovery of low energy from water loops, and low water consuming processes.
Innovative Solutions in the Process Industry for next generation Resource Efficient Water management (INSPIREWATER) is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission and funded under the SPIRE Public-Private Partnership.
The main objective of the project is to demonstrate solutions that increase water and raw material efficiency in the process industry.