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Policymakers, industry and scientists meet to discuss how to accelerate innovation and impact in Europe


BRUSSELS, May 30, 2017 – The European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) will be hosting its 2017 Stakeholder event in Brussels on 8 June. This year’s theme “Accelerating innovation and impact in Europe: Shaping expectations and priorities for the next EU Framework Programme” focuses on how game changing technologies developed through sustainable chemistry can accelerate innovation and deliver real socio-economic impact for Europe through the next European Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP9).

Media will have a unique opportunity to hear senior players from the chemical industry, academia, research and technology organisations (RTOs) and EU institutions address common challenges and debate priorities crucial to the sustainability of the European chemical and biotechnology innovation sectors.

The highlights of the event include:

  • A high level debate on how Europe can accelerate innovation and deliver real socio-economic impact through the next European Research Framework Programme (FP9).
  • Three breakout sessions on:
    • Defining success factors for EU funded projects to optimise innovation impact and value for Europe.
    • SMEs as a driver of the EU innovation ecosystems: How can we stimulate market-creating innovation through SME funding?
    • Shaping funding instruments to accelerate innovation and competitiveness in Europe.
  • SusChem’s Network of National Technology Platforms (NTPs) session on: National views on the next European Research Framework Programme (FP9).
  • The stakeholder launch of the new SusChem brand.

​​WHO: The event will be attended by representatives of the European institutions and bodies, academia and industry. Scheduled presenters at this year’s event include:

  • Muriel Attané, Secretary General of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO),
  • Peter Dröll, Director, DG Research and Innovation – Industrial Technologies, European Commission (EC),
  • Michael Matlosz, President of Science Europe and President and Chief Executive Officer of the French National Research Agency (ANR),
  • Àngels Orduña, Executive Director, of the European Association of industry sectors involved in the Sustainable Process Industries for Resource and Energy Efficiency PPP (A.SPIRE),
  • Klaus H. Sommer, Senior VP Bayer Technology Services and Chairman of the SusChem Board, and
  • Kurt Vandenberghe, Director for Policy Development and Coordination at DG Research and Innovation, European Commission.

WHEN: 8 June 2017
WHERE: The Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels, Belgium.
REGISTER: Please contact Esther Agyeman-Budu on +32 2 676 7221 or via e-mail at

The event agenda is available here.